Our Books

All available on Amazon and Kindle


Doors of Hope

6" x 9" 160 pages ISBN-13: 978-1987733822  

For parents, teachers, leaders, and others who desire to influence girls, tweens, and teens to act wisely against the real threat of being sexually abused, exploited, and trafficked in the United States. Learn to identify the attractive but devastating traps, the popular cultural influences that expose girls to harm, and the most effective means of influence for their self-protection. Open Doors of Hope to find tools and inspiration for this 21st century challenge. Amazon paperback $10.00 Kindle $4.99

Doors to Close, Doors to Open

5" x 8" 30 pages ISBN-13: 978-1507663868

Decisions about love are like doors: mysterious, inviting, tempting, beautiful. Appearances can be deceiving. This book hopes that girls and young women will be better equipped to make wise decisions about the doors that appear to lead to love but lead to deep disappointment and pain. Topics include longing to be loved and vulnerability; revealing some dangers through real life stories; and preparing to face doors. Readers consider potential risks and make plans to protect themselves rather than being vulnerable to exploitation. Amazon paperback $4.00 Kindle $2.99

Leader’s Handbook for Doors to Close, Doors to Open

6" x 9" 44 pages ISBN-13: 978-1507854976

This book guides parents, pastors, teachers, mentors, and small group leaders to facilitate a study of the book Doors to Close, Doors to Open: Experience Genuine, Secure, Satisfying Love with direction, understanding, and effectiveness. The challenge to move young women past the "that won't happen to me" is met here, through real life stories and by identifying their own vulnerabilities. Built-in are: goals, supplies needed, timing, background information, Bible studies, and activities as well as the text of Doors to Close, Doors to Open. Amazon paperback $6.00 Kindle $2.99

Sheep, Wolves, and Safety

8.5" x 8.5" full color 30 pages ISBN-13: 978-1508558798

An encouraging book for children about staying safe in a world where people with wolf-like hearts put on “sheep costumes.” Learn some rules and about the Good Shepherd. Amazon paperback $7.00 Kindle $2.99

Out of the Shadows, Into the Light

6" x 9" 40 pages ISBN-13: 978-1508558866

These poems, written during the author's personal painful journey and wonderful healing, are a source of comfort, encouragement, and hope for all those dealing with what has broken their hearts. Amazon paperback $6.00 Kindle $2.99

What I Have Seen and Heard

5” x 8” 101 pages ISBN-13: 978-1724734624

Sylvia shares her life experiences, including why she began to write the books listed above. Encouragement and inspiration are offered for whatever challenges you face through the wonderful miracles she shares. Amazon paperback $10.00 Kindle $4.99

Cross Examination: Seeking Solid Hope

5” x 8” 80 pages ISBN-13: 979-8673057810

Do you feel abandoned in your pain? Do you dream of relief and better days? Do you feel stuck in the mud of loneliness, secrets, fears, unsuccessful efforts, hopelessness, and isolation? Here victims of abuse, exploitation, and other causes of suffering can seek genuine, stable, trustworthy, and secure hope through a Q&A format. Also, find the healing, wisdom, strength, joy, peace, and all else needed in suffering and life’s challenges. Amazon paperback $10.00 Kindle $4.99